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TOTAL announces the appointment of the following to the Board of the company effective October 16, 2012:


i.             Mr. Thibault de LANGLAIS
ii.            Mr. Emmanuel de FOURNAS
iii.           Mr. Gérard PRUNEAU




Mr. Thibault de LANGLAIS

Diploma:      Business School – EM Lyon Promotion 1983

With TOTAL since 1992.

1992/994     –        TOTAL Holding; Corporate Strategy

1994/2000    –        Various positions in chemicals activities (Mexico – France)

2000/2004    –        TOTAL Supply Marketing; Strategy Department (Asia)

2004/2012    –        TOTAL Supply Marketing; Managing Director

2012            –        TOTAL Supply Marketing; Head of Strategy Department

From November 15, 2012 –        TOTAL Africa/Middle East – France – Vice

                                                President for West Africa


Mr. Emmanuel de FOURNAS

Educational background and qualifications:

Bachelor in Law 1988

Graduate of Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Paris (E.S.C.P) in 1990


Working experience:

External audit in Arthur Andersen from 1992 to 1996

Since 1996, various positions in Total Group in Finance areas, both France and aboard.

Current position: Head of Financial Control Department for Suplly & Marketing.


Other directorship:

Director of Total Holding Asia

Mr. Gérard PRUNEAU

He is an ENSPM graduate with a Masters Degree in Energy Economy. After a first professional experience at the IFP, he joined TOTAL in 1984 where he was in charge of different responsibilities at the General Secretary and at the Holding’s Financial Division, then at the Refining and Marketing.


He became responsible for the Management Control of the Refining and Marketing Branch during the merger of Total Fina Elf in 1999.


He was then appointed as a Financial Manager for the Asia/Pacific area, based in Singapour, in 2004, then General Secretary of the French Direction in 2008. He is the General Secretary of the Africa/Middle East division of the Supply Marketing, since September 1, 2012.


Mr. Christian des CLOSIERES has resign from the Board effective October 16, 2012.


Issued at Accra, this 25th

day of October, 2012.