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FABL has announced that it is relocating its present offices from First Atlantic Merchant Bank, No. 1 Seventh Avenue, Ridge West, Accra to No. C.1000/3, DR. ISERT ROAD, NORTH RIDGE, ACCRA on MARCH 11, 2011.

The postal address remains the same that is: First Atlantic Brokers Limited, P. O. Box CT 1620, Cantonments, Accra.

The new office is located in North Ridge next to the Alisa Hotel. Directional signs will be placed at the strategic points in the vicinity to aid persons to access the new office.

Additionally, a directional map will be published in the national dailies soon. The new telephone and facsimile numbers are as follows:

Tel: 0302-679259

Fax: 0302-679245

Issued in Accra, this 14th
day of February, 2011.