GSR has listed an additional 20,000,000 ordinary shares (common shares) on the Exchange. This was as a result of the public offer in Canada and United States of America in December 2009.
Issued in Accra, this 23rd
day of February, 2010.
GSR has listed an additional 20,000,000 ordinary shares (common shares) on the Exchange. This was as a result of the public offer in Canada and United States of America in December 2009.
Issued in Accra, this 23rd
day of February, 2010.
(+233) 302-669-908
(+233) 302-669-914
(+233) 302-669-935
(+233) 302-664-715
Ghana Stock Exchange
5th & 6th Floors, Cedi House, Liberia Road
P.O.Box GP 1849, Accra